3 Tips to Help You Reject Diet Culture and Start Your Diet-Free Life
Jan 12, 2022
Welcome to the very first episode of You Are Nourished - I’m so excited to be bringing this podcast to you!
If you are ready to start thinking and behaving differently, start checking your beliefs around body shapes and sizes, and finally reject diet culture once and for all, this is the right place for you.
You’ve likely tried all the diets – Slimming World, Weight Watchers, SlimFast, Atkins, Cambridge – you name it, you’ve done it.
And although the diets are different, some things remain the same: they don’t work, they’re exhausting, and they’re making you miserable.
But fortunately for you, there is another way to live, and that’s where I come in.
In this episode, I’m sharing what diet culture is as well as 3 simple tips you can implement right now to help you stop hopping around from diet to diet, reject diet culture, and start living a life that is liberated from the constraints of food.
To celebrate the launch of the show, I'm going to be giving away 'You Are Nourished Well Being Bundles'. They will comprise some of my favourite self-care products to help you feel nourished in 2022. Click here to enter
“Diet culture is everywhere and if you have grown up on this planet, you will have had it drummed into your head from a very young age.”
- Lauren Gayfer
In This Episode:
- Learn what diet culture is and how to tell if you are caught up in it.
- Hear the reason you should watch how you talk to yourself and the language you use around food.
- Find out how to make the necessary lifestyle and mindset shifts to stop living your life ruled by diets and external restrictions.
- How to bring more attention to your thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviours to help you begin your non-diet journey.
- Develop a better understanding of why diets don’t work, why they haven’t worked for you and why they will continue to not work.
Connect with Lauren:
- Enter the Giveaway